Just some non-causal Thoughts

Kanhaiya Nathani
1 min readMay 9, 2021

Is time equivalent to motion? to be more exact, is it equivalent to vibration? is vibration related to random pop-ups of sub-particles? after all, that random pop-ups is what, is responsible for ever increasing entropy and that’s the flow of time my friend!!

Now vibrations and random pop-ups, a particle vibrates because it cant stand still otherwise it would defy the uncertainty principle, and random pop-ups of particle in empty space is because of the energy fluctuations of all the fundamental fields(spread across the Universe). And these fluctuations in the fields(wave) are again the result of uncertainty principle(its an intrinsic property of wave).

So can we conclude, time is therefore because of the uncertainty principle? Now have we just connected the two most distinct but successful theories i.e. general theory of relativity(governs the cosmic world) and quantum mechanics(physics of the smallest world)? Because time and motion seams to be basis of gravitational theory and uncertainty principle is what governs the quantum world!!

No.. we need to include space and how mass warps space? as well to fully connect the two.. will come back on this.. bye :)



Kanhaiya Nathani

want to be theoretically practical physicist, currently a software engineer :)